SACAIR2020 Presentations
Please CLICK on the item in the programme to view the recorded presentation on YouTube. (Please note that only a limited number of presentations can be uploaded to YouTube every 24 hours. All presentations will be uploaded by Friday, 26 March 2021. For any enquiries please e-mail
Day 3
Wednesday, 24 February
08:30 – 09:15
09:15 – 09:45
Prof. Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem, Chairperson SACAIR2020 & Prof. Aurona Gerber, SACAIR2020 Technical Chair
09:45 – 10:45
Prof. Peter-Paul Verbeek
Professor of Philosophy of Technology, University of Twente, (the Netherlands)
10:45 – 13:00
AI for Ethics and Society
Human-Robot Moral Relations: Human Interactants as Moral Patients of their Own Agential Moral Actions Towards Robots
Cindy Friedman
The Quest for Actionable AI Ethics
Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem
The Implications of Personalization Algorithms on Individual Autonomy
Heather Rufus
A Framework for Undergraduate Data Collection Strategies for Student Support Recommendation Systems in Higher Education
Herkulaas Combrink, Vukosi Marivate and Benjamin Rosman
Embedding Ethics into 4 IR Information Systems Teaching and Learning
Johan Breytenbach and Carolien van den Berg
Lunch: 13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 14:40
AI in Information Systems, AI for Development and Social Good
Dataset Selection for Transfer Learning in Information Retrieval
Yastil Rughbeer, Anban Pillay and Edgar Jembere
Artificial Intelligence Uses, Benefits and Challenges: A Study in the Western Cape of South Africa Financial Services Industry
Hakunavanhu Ndoro, Kevin Johnston and Lisa Seymour
14:40 – 15:40
Applications of AI
Analysing Coronavirus Trends in South Africa and Countries with a Similar Coronavirus Profile
Asad Jeewa, Edgar Jembere, Nirvana Pillay, Yuvika Singh, Serestina Viriri and Anban Pillay
An Evaluation Framework for Wildlife Security Games
Lisa-Ann Kirkland, Alta de Waal and Pieter de Villiers
Evaluation of Heuristic Guided Character Level World Models for Morphological Segmentation of isiXhosa
Lulamile Mzamo, Albert Helberg and Sonja Bosch
Break: 15:40 – 16:00
Applications of AI
16:00 – 17:00
StarGAN-ZSVC: Towards zero-shot voice conversion in low-resource contexts
Matthew Baas and Herman Kamper
Text-to-speech duration models for resource-scarce languages in neural architectures
Johannes Louw
Word Embeddings for Recognised Multilingual Speech
Austine Heyns and Etienne Barnard
Classifying Recognised Speech with Deep Neural Networks
Rhyno Strydom and Etienne Barnard
17:00 – 19:00
Day 4
Thursday, 25 February
08:30 – 09:00
09:00 – 10:00
Machine Learning Theory
Tracking Translation Invariance in CNNs
Johannes Christiaan Myburg, Coenraad Mouton and Marelie Davel
Stride and Translation Invariance in CNNs
Coenraad Mouton, Johannes Christiaan Myburg and Marelie Davel
Pre-interpolation Loss Behaviour in Neural Networks
Arthur Venter, Marthinus Theunissen and Marelie Davel
Automated Music Recommendations Using Similarity Learning
Jamie Burns and Terence van Zyl
Break: 10:00 – 10:20
10:20 – 11:40
Machine Learning Theory
Exploring Neural Networks Training Dynamics through Binary Node Activations
Daniël Gerbrand Haasbroek and Marelie Davel
Using a Meta-model to Compensate for Training-evaluation Mistakes
Dylan Lamprecht and Etienne Barnard
11:40 – 12:40
Prof. Bernhard Nebel
Professor at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Germany) and head of the research group on Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
Lunch: 12:40 – 13:40
13:40 – 15:00
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Cognitive Reasoning: The Extent to which Forms of Defeasible Reasoning correspond with Human Reasoning
Clayton Baker, Claire Denny, Paul Freund and Thomas Meyer
A Boolean Extension of KLM-style Conditional Reasoning
Guy Paterson-James, Thomas Meyer and Giovanni Casini
Quo Vadis KLM-style Defeasible Reasoning?
Adam Kaliski and Thomas Meyer
An Exercise in a Non-classical Semantics for Reasoning with Incompleteness and Inconsistencies
Ivan Varzinczak
Break: 15:00 – 15:20
15:20 – 16:20
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
A Formal Concept Analysis Driven Ontology for ICS Cyberthreats
Lethabo Maluleke, Luca Singels and Caryn Biebuyck
Exploiting a Multilingual Semantic Machine Translation Architecture for Knowledge Representation of Patient Information for COVID-19
Laurette Marais and Laurette Pretorius
A Taxonomy of Explainable Bayesian Networks
Iena Derks and Alta de Waal
16:20 – 19:00
Day 5
Friday, 26 February
08:30 – 09:00
09:00 – 10:00
Mr Lee Annamalai
CTO at Geo Intelligence Corp (GeoInt)
10:00 – 11:00
Applications of AI
Hybridized Deep Learning Architectures for Human Activity Recognition
Bradley Pillay, Anban Pillay and Edgar Jembere
Importance Sampling Forests for Location Invariant Propriocetive Terrain Classification
Ditebogo Masha and Michael Burke
DRICORN-K: A Dynamic CORrelation-driven Nonparamteric Algorithm for Online Portfolio Selection
Shivaar Sooklal, Terrence van Zyl and Andrew Paskaramoorthy
Break: 11:00 – 11:20
11:20 – 12:20
Applications of AI
An Analysis of Deep Neural Networks for predicting Trends in Time Series Data
Kouame Kouassi and Deshendran Moodley
Learning to Generalise in Sparse Reward Navigation Environments
Asad Jeewa, Anban Pillay and Edgar Jembere
Probabilistic Distributional Semantic Methods for Small Unlabelled Text
Jocelyn Mazarura, Alta de Waal and Tristan Harris
Lunch: 12:20 – 13:20
13:20 – 14:40
Applications of AI
Machine Learning for Improved Boiler Control in the Power Generation Industry
Tshidiso Mazibuko and Katherine Malan
Future Frame Prediction in Transformation Space using good STN
Nirvana Pillay and Edgar Jembere
On the Performance of Off-peak Workload Allocation Models in Cloud Computing
Olasupo Ajayi, Isaac Odun-Ayo and Louise Leenen
An Ontology for supporting Knowledge Discovery and Evolution
Tezira Wanyana, Deshendran Moodley and Thomas Meyer
14:40 – 15:00
Closing Remarks
Prof. Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem, Chairperson SACAIR2020
Prof. Tommie Meyer, UCT-CSIR Chair in Artificial Intelligence, Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Cape Town
15:00 – 16:00
Conference Meeting
Anban Pillay
University of KwaZulu-Natal, School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science